Salt House explores the chimney at the center of the row house by iterating a more imaginative brick column as counterpoint: to focus attention back onto that original gesture of site - of home and commerce. the private and public, gender and race - in order that phenomenological notions might become more magical.
The project takes its title. 'Salt House,' from ongoing research into the quality of the existing brick chimney itself (the closest approximation to its characteristics are produced under 'Salt House'). This also alludes to memories of commerce and domesticity - preservation of food - expanding outwardly to religion (Lott's wife) and myth and luck (throwing salt over the shoulder) among others.
The project takes its title. 'Salt House,' from ongoing research into the quality of the existing brick chimney itself (the closest approximation to its characteristics are produced under 'Salt House'). This also alludes to memories of commerce and domesticity - preservation of food - expanding outwardly to religion (Lott's wife) and myth and luck (throwing salt over the shoulder) among others.